11 March, 2024The ATILA project, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency, continues to develop important advances in the field of additive manufacturing applied to health. Framed within the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and forming part of the Projects in Strategic Lines of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, ATILA brings together a multidisciplinary consortium that seeks to innovate in the creation of biomedical implants using advanced technologies.
The consortium is led by the AIDIMME Technological Institute, recognised for its adaptability and focus on increasing the competitiveness of companies through innovation in design, product development and sustainable processes. Along with AIDIMME, the Research Foundation of the General University Hospital of Valencia (FIHGUV), the research group of Laser Applications and Photonics of the University of Salamanca (ALF USAL) and the company MELTIO, specialised in additive manufacturing solutions, also participate in the project.
The project focuses on overcoming challenges such as surface modification and osseointegration of additively manufactured parts, as well as the production of anatomical implants customised to the patient's geometry. This includes the development and numerical simulation of new additive manufacturing processes, as well as biocompatibility studies to transfer the advances to clinics.
During 2023, AIDIMME and MELTIO have made significant progress, with the evaluation of process parameters for the manufacture of parts with different geometries and their microstructural characterisation standing out. Applications for accreditations for cytotoxicity and biocompatibility tests to be carried out by FIHGUV have also been initiated.
The project has fostered inter-institutional collaboration, as demonstrated at the 1st Health Innovation Day organised by the UCIE_FIGUV, which brought together health professionals, researchers and innovation authorities, including representatives from AIDIMME, who shared the progress and importance of the ATILA project.
The ATILA project not only advances technological development for healthcare, but also strengthens collaboration between research institutions, universities, hospitals and industry, marking an important milestone for the future of additive manufacturing in the biomedical field and the continuous improvement in competitiveness and industrial innovation.