With the aim of promoting cooperation in areas of common interest, CIM UPC and the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) signed a cooperation agreement last May with the goal of enhancing the exchange of scientific knowledge and increasing collaboration between both parties.
Within the agreed-upon fields, both institutions will seek to establish various types of cooperation, subject to future specific agreements:
During KIMM's visit to CIM UPC, they toured the facilities of CIM UPC, and subsequently, they visited some research groups at the EEBE campus of UPC.
The visit included the participation of Climent Molins, Vice-Rector of Transfer, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship at UPC, and Carles Miranda, Manager of Industry 4.0 and Circular Economy at Acció.
The visit represented a significant step towards increasing the internationalization of CIM UPC and aims to foster new collaborations based on innovation and technology.
Source: Interempresas.
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