AIDIMME Technological Institute is an entity with a private non-profit legal personality, whose purpose is to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of the metal-mechanical, furniture, wood, packaging, construction and related sectors; fundamentally in the field of design and development of innovative products and materials, advanced and sustainable processes of supply, manufacturing, logistics, distribution and services.
One of the strategic lines of the technology center is additive manufacturing, the development of technological solutions based on additive manufacturing, manufacturing by addition also known as 3D printing. The objective is to transmit our knowledge in materials, technologies and industrial applications with a personalized technological advice, which facilitates the implantation in the industry.
AIDIMME has the following capabilities and activities:
To carry out research, development and innovation activities in this field, we have, as main technologies, with:
AIDIMME Instituto Tecnológico
C/ Benjamín Franklin 13 - 46980 Paterna (Valencia)